Know Why You Should Drink Ashwagandha With Milk

by The Ayurveda Experience | Oct 5, 2023 | Diet + Lifestyle, Healthy Living, Herbs + Remedies | Reviewed by Dr. Deepak Bhanot

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and milk have been used together for centuries in Ayurveda. Ayurvedic practitioners believe that the combination of ashwagandha and milk can provide numerous health benefits, including improving sleep, reducing stress and anxiety, boosting immunity, and promoting overall wellness.1,2  

It is an adaptogenic herb that is believed to help the body cope with stress and improve overall physical and mental health. Milk, on the other hand, is a nutrient-rich beverage that is known for its ability to provide strength and nourishment to the body.   

Together, ashwagandha and milk create a powerful combination that can help support various aspects of health and wellness. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of ashwagandha and milk, as well as how to prepare and consume this potent elixir to promote optimal health.  

According to Ayurveda, the traditional medical system of India, it’s best to take ashwagandha with milk. Why?  

Before diving into the question, a little context!  
In Ayurveda, an anupana is a way that herbal medicine is administered (usually referred to as an after drink which is taken after a meal or medicine for nourishment). It is a means that assists the action of the herb. It forms an integral part of Ayurvedic treatment or chikitsa.  

The herb (oushadha) becomes more potent when given with a suitable vehicle by considering the stage and strength of the patient and the disease. In this context, milk acts as an anupana when taken along with ashwagandha.  

The healing properties of milk

Milk is often celebrated as a comprehensive source of nutrition, with cow’s milk standing out as one of the most frequently chosen options among the various varieties accessible.   

According to the ancient Ayurvedic text, the CharakaSamhita, cow milk is beneficial to the mind and body. It is sweet (madhu), cool, soft, and pleasant in taste.  

It has a cool potency and a sweet post-digestive effect (vipaka). Its overall characteristic effect is pleasing to the mind.  

Ayurveda considers milk to be the ‘after drink’ (anupana) for rejuvenating the body’s seven tissue systems. In Ayurveda, these are called dhatus.  

Milk is especially good for the blood (rakta), bone (asthi), plasma (rasa), reproductive system, and rasadhatu which includes the plasma, or the noncellular portion of the blood, the lymph, and interstitial fluids.Milk brings Vata and Pitta into equilibrium.  

Ayurveda says that milk enhances the essence of all the tissues (ojas) as both of them possess similar properties. It’s also beneficial for the bodily tissues (dhatus). Milk is an ideal drink for the aged and for children.  

Interested in learning more about Ayurveda’s take on Nutrition?  

The Ayurveda Experience teamed up with Todd Caldecott (Ayurvedic Practitioner, Nutritionist, Herbal Medicine Specialist, Teacher and Author) to create an educational course that uncovers common food myths, teaches you how to eat right for your constitution, unearths the eight, all-important guidelines for Ayurvedic eating, how/when/why you should use Ashwagandha, and much, much more. Find out more about this all-inclusive course on Holistic Nutrition below.  

Holistic Nutrition - Ayurveda on Diet and Nutrition for Vata, Pitta, Kapha

Ayurvedic uses of milk   

According to Ayurveda, consumption of milk helps increase power, body mass, and appetite.4 Milk taken at night induces sound sleep.6  

In Ayurveda, it is said that when taken during childhood, it increases appetite, prevents deprivation, and increases strength. In old age, milk is taken to increase semen (shukradhatu).6 Milk can also ignite agni – the digestive fire. It increases aphrodisiac power and body mass.  

The effect of milk taken between noon and evening is energetic and useful in renal disorders. Ashwagandha taken in a cup of hot milk twice a day may also help prevent brittle nails.6  

What is ashwagandha?  

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is also known as Indian ginseng or Indian winter cherry. The roots and leaves of ashwagandha are used in Ayurvedic medicine. It is considered to be both a tonic and a sedative herb due to its adaptogenic properties.  

Ashwagandha is bitter and astringent in taste, has light and unctuous properties, is hot in potency, and has a sweet post-digestive effect. It reduces Kapha and Vata dosha (vatakaphahara). 

ashwagandha and its powder in a bowl

  Ayurvedic properties of ashwagandha

According to the ancient classical medical texts of Ayurveda, ashwagandha has the following medicinal benefits.  

  • It can increase sexual desire, rejuvenate the body, and increase strength. It can be useful in treating emaciation under nutritive conditions. 
  • It is useful in the management of white discoloration of the skin, and edema. 
  • It pacifies Vata and Kapha dosha and acts as a rasayana (rejuvenative), balya (provider of strength), and promotes sexual wellness. 
  • Ashwagandha can also have an anabolic-like effect on men and may improve the quality and quantity of semen. 
  • Ashwagandha is useful in male sexual dysfunctions and loss of libido, female infertility, nodular swelling, and induces sleep. 

Why ashwagandha with milk in Ayurveda?

An important Ayurvedic principle implies that ashwagandha should be taken with milk. Ayurveda says that milk intensifies and complements the tonic and nutritive effects of ashwagandha.  

Both ashwagandha and milk have similar properties. Both are considered rejuvenators (rasayanas). Both ashwagandha and milk nourish the ojas (life essence). Both bestow one with the energy to live. This is referred to as jivaniya. Their combined synergistic effect increases their potency.   

Having such similar properties makes them the right combination when it comes to the health benefits. The combination may even pacify all three doshas.  

Following this logic, ashwagandha is best taken with milk, and this is documented in the following references.  

  • Taking ashwagandha with milk can give better results in cases of emaciation and tuberculosis7
  • Ashwagandha treated milk can be beneficial in gaining muscular strength in emaciation5.Ashwagandha helps with weight management7 especially when taken with milk. 
  • The Ayurvedic scholar Sushruta indicated ashwagandha prepared with milk as a medicated enema (basti) in Vata disorders6 and anorectal bleeding. 

Research on ashwagandha 

This herb has been studied as an adaptogenic, antioxidant, anxiolytic, antidepressant, and cardioprotective.  

It is shown to have thyroid modulating, immunomodulating, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, cognitive enhancing, and hematopoietic effects9.  

Gangliosides, one of the components found in milk, are also present in nerve tissues10. Due to the presence of these components in milk, it promotes the absorption of herbs more significantly than others do.   

So, milk is the best vehicle for Ayurvedic herbs like ashwagandha.   

Time-tested ashwagandha with milk remedies + traditional Ayurvedic remedies  

Please note that milk, when taken warmly, is easily digestible and helps to destroy Kapha and Vata dosha.  

If you wish to take ashwagandha with milk, consult your healthcare provider to ensure it’s right for you. For the best results, enjoy it warm, in milk that has been boiled.  

ashwagandha milk

For male6 and female infertility  

Two grams of ashwagandha powder twice daily with a little rock candy and warm milk.  

For physical weakness/fatigue6  

Two grams of ashwagandha powder with 125 mg of trikatu powder. Drinking a cup of ashwagandha tea once or twice a day helps with fatigue.  

Trikatu contains three pungent herbs: dried ginger (soonth), black pepper (marich), and long pepper (pippali). This combination is traditionally taken twice a day with milk. Ashwagandha can help with fatigue, its benefits are compounded when taken with milk.  

Allergic rhinitis1  

Equal quantity of turmeric, ginger, and ashwagandha powders are mixed well and is consumed twice daily with milk before food.  


Mix 5gms of ashwagandha root powder in a cup of milk. You can add sugar if you like and drink before going to bed every day.  

For osteoarthritis1  

Two grams ashwagandha powder, kapikacchu and black sesame seeds in 5 gms warm milk.  

For nutritional deficiency in children  

Ashwagandha Milk Tea: To make a tea of ashwagandha powder and milk, take half a glass of water and half a glass of milk in a pan.  

Add one gram of ashwagandha powder and bring to a boil. When it’s reduced to half, allow it to cool, add sugar and enjoy.  

General restorative  

Ashwagandha powder with milk can also be taken as a general tonic to restore vitality. Two grams with one cup of warm milk, twice daily.  

NOTE: These are classical Ayurvedic remedies for health conditions. It’s best to consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before trying any of these remedies.  

Delicious and healthy ashwagandha with milk recipe  

Recipe 1:  


  • 4 cups of milk 
  • 10 grams of ashwagandha powder 
  • 1 tsp sugar 

Method of preparation   

  • Add 4 cups of milk and 10 grams of ashwagandha powder to a pan. 
  • Simmer the mixture until its appearance turns to a thick paste similar to condensed milk. Then remove it from the heat. 
  • Let the mixture sit for 5 minutes. Add 1 tsp of sugar. Serve, and enjoy! 

Recipe 2:  


  • ½ tsp ashwagandha powder 
  • ½ tsp turmeric powder 
  • A pinch of nutmeg 
  • A pinch of cinnamon 
  • A cup of milk 
  • Honey or maple syrup  

Method of Preparation

  • Gently warm a cup of milk, avoid boiling. 
  • Whisk in 1/2 tsp ashwagandha, 1/2 tsp turmeric, and a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg. 
  • Simmer for 5 minutes. 
  • Pour into a cup and sweeten with honey when it is just luke  

READ MORE: How Ashwagandha Can Help Treat PCOS?| Ayurvedic Benefits Of Ashwagandha For Your Skin And Body  

Please consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before using ashwagandha with milk or any other suggestions mentioned in the blog.  

About the Author

The Ayurveda Experience is a one-stop portal for all things Ayurveda. Learn Ayurveda through our educational courses, webinars and articles, shop Ayurveda products in our online store and connect with an Ayurvedic practitioner through our web directory or iYura app!

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Current Version
Oct 05, 2023

Written By
The Ayurveda Experience

Medically Reviewed By
Dr. Deepak Bhanot

  2. Herbs and Spice and Everything Nice: 101 Home Remedies for Improving Your Mood with Herbs & Spices : Elyssa R. Clayton : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive 
  3. Manisha M. Thakare & Deepak K. Dobade: Critical Review On Godugdha (Cow Milk) Health Benefits And Hazards ( / 
  5. An Overview on Ashwagandha: A Rasayana (Rejuvenator) of Ayurveda – PMC (
  6. The Complete Book Of Ayurvedic Home Remedies : VASANT V. LAD : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive 
  7. Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal (Ashwagandha): A comprehensive review on ethnopharmacology, pharmacotherapeutics, biomedicinal and toxicological aspects – ScienceDirect ; 
  9. A Prospective, Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Safety and Efficacy of a High-Concentration Full-Spectrum Extract of Ashwagandha Root in Reducing Stress and Anxiety in Adults – PMC ( 
  10. Variation of the ganglioside compositions of human milk, cow’s milk and infant formulas – PubMed (


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