Ayurveda Blogs

Step into the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda, where your journey toward balance, vitality, and inner peace begins. Embrace the sacred connection between body, mind, and spirit as you discover ancient insights that empower your health and awaken your soul. Let Ayurveda guide you to a life of harmony, where every choice becomes an act of self-love and every day a step toward your highest self. Your path to wellness starts here.

Pakvashya Gata Vata- Understanding the condition and its management

Pronounced as: Puk-vah-sh-i-yah  Gah-tah  Vah-tah Vata dosha affects the different tissues and organs of the body and can cause various diseases. To understand the condition of Pakvashya Gata Vata, we need to understand the meaning of  ‘Pakvashya’, ‘Vata’, and ‘Gata-Vata’. ‘Ashya’ in Sanskrit means ‘an abode’. The word ‘Pakvashya’ has been derived from this Sanskrit …


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The Benefits Of Female Orgasm + Tips For Fulfillment

Sexuality is an important part of the human experience. Having regular sexual relations with your partner increases feelings of overall well-being and decreases feelings of stress. Yet according to several major surveys, only about 25 percent of women climax 100% of the time during sex with a partner. Approximately 10% never orgasm at all. The …


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37 Tips to Fight Inflammation Caused By Pitta Dosha

Pitta, a combination of the fire and water elements has the qualities of being hot, sharp, penetrating, oily, light, spreading, and liquid. Let’s take a look at ways to fight Pitta inflammation. The functions of Pitta include: Digestion, absorption, and assimilation Metabolism Maintenance of body temperature Appetite and thirst Coloration of blood factors Visual perception …

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Herbal Ways of Fighting that Infuriating Sinusitis

As per the ‘American college of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology’, sinusitis is a major health problem. It afflicts 31 million people in the United States and makes Americans spend more than $1 billion each year on over-the-counter medications and another $150 million on prescription medicines. Sinusitis is also responsible for over 16 million doctor visits. …


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Gut Health: Vinegar vs Ghee

In the recent episode of Catalyst called “Gut Reaction” that was all about the relationship between high fiber diets, gut bacteria and good health, they showed the host downing shots of balsamic vinegar at a bar—as a way of reducing inflammation in the body. It was explained that one of the reasons high fiber diets are so beneficial is …


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