All You Need To Know About Ayurvedic Footcare

You can stand because of your feet, they carry you throughout your lifetime. So caring for your feet is very important, but often neglected. In Indian custom, and as per Ayurveda tradition and medicine, the feet have been given utmost significance. Ayurvedic foot...

Will Turmeric Lower Blood Pressure?

Turmeric is known as the ‘golden spice’ for its bright orange color. It is highly valued by the ancient science of Ayurveda. It improves memory, reduces inflammation, and boosts brain function. But will turmeric lower blood pressure? Turmeric is certainly beneficial...
Ayurvedic Skin Remedies for Sun Damage

Ayurvedic Skin Remedies for Sun Damage

No matter how beautiful your skin might look when tanned, you have to understand that the rays of the sun can actually damage the skin. The more you expose yourself to the sun, the higher the risk of damage. This is especially valid for the situation in which you...