Detox + Panchkarma

Panchakarma is Ayurveda’s ultimate purification therapy, offering deep detoxification and rejuvenation. Learn about this five-step process, designed to cleanse the body, balance the doshas, and restore inner harmony.

Ayurvedic Basti Therapy: Medicated Enema (Vasti)

Basti therapy, also called vasti, is the most important among Ayurveda’s five purification procedures (panchakarma). In western medicine, enema is mainly given to remove fecal matter from the large intestine. In Ayurveda however, Ayurvedic basti has both preventive and curative perspectives. Let’s take a look. In this article, we’ll cover Ayurvedic basti (also called vasti) enema …

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What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Smoking

There is a major misconception among smokers that it takes a very long time to experience any improvement in health and well-being after quitting smoking. If you are having such doubt then read this article. Smoking Addiction – The Ayurvedic View Ayurveda considers nicotine used for smoking highly toxic if consumed in large quantity. According …


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