Ayurveda Blogs

Step into the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda, where your journey toward balance, vitality, and inner peace begins. Embrace the sacred connection between body, mind, and spirit as you discover ancient insights that empower your health and awaken your soul. Let Ayurveda guide you to a life of harmony, where every choice becomes an act of self-love and every day a step toward your highest self. Your path to wellness starts here.

What Happens To Your Body When You Quit Smoking

There is a major misconception among smokers that it takes a very long time to experience any improvement in health and well-being after quitting smoking. If you are having such doubt then read this article. Smoking Addiction – The Ayurvedic View Ayurveda considers nicotine used for smoking highly toxic if consumed in large quantity. According …


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Amla: The Sour, Anti-Aging Ayurvedic Super Fruit + Amla Recipes

Amla is a little, tropical fruit filled with innumerable health benefits you cannot even imagine. These fruits are reputed to contain high amounts of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), up to 445 mg per 100 g. They are also packed with pigment antioxidant polyphenols, and vitamins A and B. Also known as gooseberries, amla are low in calories. One hundred grams …


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The Best Food For Diabetics, According To Ayurveda

Diet planning is an effective strategy for the management of various aspects of diabetes. If you or someone you love has diabetes, knowing the best food for diabetics can help promote health and prevent further decline. Consider these recommendations from the traditional ancient medical science of Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, diabetes mellitus is known as …

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