Ayurvedic Cleanse: How to Reset Health in 4 Days

Ayurvedic Cleanse: How to Reset Health in 4 Days

Question: When is it time for an Ayurvedic Cleanse? Answer: When digestion is weak, lymph is stagnant, and toxins have circulated and deposited in the deeper tissues of the body. There’s a feeling of waking up groggy, tired, and stiff…and without an Ayurvedic Cleanse,...
Fight Constipation Ayurvedically

Fight Constipation Ayurvedically

Constipation is often considered the result of low roughage in food. In some individuals, less waste is produced after digestion. This can be increased by consuming sufficient roughage. To counter this issue, consumption of green leafy vegetables is advised by many....

37 Tips to Fight Inflammation Caused By Pitta Dosha

Pitta, a combination of the fire and water elements has the qualities of being hot, sharp, penetrating, oily, light, spreading, and liquid. Let’s take a look at ways to fight Pitta inflammation. The functions of Pitta include: Digestion, absorption, and assimilation...